
Saturday, October 15, 2022

Weird Tales Project: 1936

Another milestone has been reached in my quest to read at least one story from each issue of Weird Tales printed in the 1930s.  The year 1936 has now been dealt with!  Below find a list of all the WT stories I have read and blogged about from 1936, including links to said blog posts.  If I should happen to return to a 1936 issue of Weird Tales and blog about an additional story from it, I will add it to the list with a parenthetical note.

Lastly, before the actual list, here are links to the other posts covering this project, one for each year from 1930 to 1939.

1930  1931 1932 1933  1934  1935  ----  1937  1938  1939  


August Derleth:                           "The Satin Mask"
C. L. Moore:                               "The Dark Land"
H. P. Lovecraft:                           "Dagon"


C. L. Moore:                                "Yvala"
H. P. Lovecraft:                            "The Temple"


Edmond Hamilton:            "In The World's Dusk"
Henry Kuttner:                   "The Graveyard Rats"
Clark Ashton Smith:           "The Black Abbot of Puthuum" (added 1/23/2024)


Carl Jacobi:                                   "The Face in the Wind"
August Derleth & Mark Schorer: "They Shall Rise"
Robert Bloch:                                "The Druidic Doom"


Edmond Hamilton:                "Child of the Winds"
Robert Bloch:                        "The Faceless God"
Manly Wade Wellman:          "The Horror Undying"


Robert E. Howard:                "Black Canaan"
Robert Bloch:                        "The Grinning Ghoul"
Edmond Hamilton:                "The House of the Evil Eye"


Edmond Hamilton:                   "When the World Slept"
Manly Wade Wellman:             "The Kelpie"
C. L. Moore:                             "Lost Paradise"
Clark Ashton Smith:                 "Necromancy in Naat" (added 1/24/2024)


August Derleth & Mark Schorer:     "Death Holds the Post"
Edmond Hamilton:                           "The Door Into Infinity"


Robert Bloch:                                 "The Opener of the Way"
Henry Kutner:                                "The Secret of Kralitz"
C. L. Moore :                                 "The Tree of Life"  [Added Dec 31, 2022]


Robert E. Howard:                             "Black Hound of Death"
Thorp McClusky:                               "The Crawling Horror"
Robert Bloch:                                     "The Dark Demon"


Robert Bloch:                                      "Mother of Serpents"
Henry Kuttner:                                    "It Walks By Night"

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